Goodbye November

November is usually an in-between month that joins two months either side of it which is full of celebrations and festivities in my household. I’ve never really had a strong love for this month at all, it makes me think of darkness and cold nights. Even though every latter month of the year is pretty much like that in England, November was just not my favourite.

However, a few things happened within this time that possibly made me see it in a different light. I won’t list them all as i’m sure you can guess the highlight of my month…but one thing did stick out for me. How naturally beautiful England looks this time of year.

When you have kiddies it does make your inner child come out once again. Everything is WOW! Children could have all the toys in the world but we all know they find the box it came in more exciting. (I know what i’m wrapping this Christmas!) You find yourself forgetting to look when you grow older, to appreciate the natural surroundings around you.

Walking through the park the other day, I was desperate to get the twins to the coffee shop so someone could serve me a Hot coffee whilst they played. I can hear you all laughing as I know you are aware that none of that actually happened! However, what should have taken five minutes to walk took over an hour, probably because I didn’t have the buggy and ridiculously decided they were old enough to walk a mile! Instead of moaning under my breath and trying to say โ€œcome onโ€ without sounding like a stressy mother, I took a moment to actually look down at my children to see what it was they were so interested in. Leaves. Beautiful Autumn coloured leaves. So I did something that was out of the norm…I got down on their level and played with the leaves. It didn’t matter that the pavement was muddy, thats what washing machines are for right? I had the sanitizing gel all ready for use in my handbag so I was pretty much set up. No excuses for messy play. We collected leaves, sticks and stones which were stuffed into their rucksacks. At one point I turned around at the word โ€œTaโ€ and found my son bringing me hard bird poop which he picked off the bench near by. Well at least he was polite. Ha!

As the month of December kicks in we have to remember not to go mad. I know it’s tremendously hard not to think your child needs everything this Christmas, I am as guilty as the next person. However, the truth of it is they actually don’t. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that really tickles a child’s fancy. I’m not saying go out and collect a box of leaves and wrap it (although the idea sounds quite tempting!) Just be aware that kiddies really appreciate the natural things, we may walk past it and forget to look however, the little person walking next to you wished their heads turned 360 so they can view everything all at once.

Goodbye November 2016, Thank you for the colourful memories.


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  • Brilliant blog! Loved reading it. My 10 month old daughter always has the biggest smile when I sit down on the floor with her to play, this reminded me so much of her and you are totally right in the littlest things having so much more meaning for our little cubs. My daughter also loves trees (she’s fascinated by them). Wishing you and your beautiful family a wonderful December xx

    • Thank you so much Ece, its so lovely to read your comments. These are moments we will never get back…so I guess we must enjoy it while we can. Enjoy making precious memories with your beautiful daughter. Happy December (nearly) x x

  • haha we did the same thing today. I was left without a car after taking it to the garageto be fixed and we walked past the park on the way home. It was FREEEEZING but fin was jabbering away and wanted to get out so we found icy leaves, made pictures on the frosty bench with sticks and hunted squirrels… ( which are out in swarms atm! ) It dawned on me that he hadn’t been old enough to appreciate the change in seasons before so despite the cold the Splash park had suddenly transformed into a new FREE!!! mini world! The best gift by far was hearing him string his first sentence together as we passed the park later today to pic up the said car
    “daddy look it, frozen park. Mummy took me mornin for squirrels sunT!”
    Simple and beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚ x

    • That is worth a thousand more than any present. You must have been overwhelmed when he said that!:) Great minds think alike hey? Wishing November adios… x

  • Beautful blog babe keep them coming!!! When I sit down with my hot chocolate and Xmas tree lights on I can read your blogs in pure peace!! ?