10 Top Tips for New Parents!

It’s safe to say that every single person in your life will start offering you advice as soon as you post your baby scan on Insta! I have to hold my hands up and say that I’m also guilty of this at times, however, as a parent I think it’s important we cast our minds back to when we were on that particular stepping stone and leave the parents to be alone! They should really come with a sign that say’s “Only give advice if asked!”

A number of times I was told where to place my nipple when breastfeeding, how to cocoon my child so they sleep better, 1000’s of routines to help them sleep at night, don’t use this washing powder, don’t use Johnson’s as it contains cancer chemicals, this is a better buggy, this is the best nappy…You get my drift! That doesn’t even come close to half of the advice that was thrown my way, in fact, I believe there was a time that I went into denial because of all these people and stopped enjoying my pregnancy.

Here are my Top Tips that I learnt when my two popped out!

  1. There is no ‘Parent of the year’ award. It’s not a competition (even though at times it feels like one). When you’re going through one problem, trust me another is going through something else. No one is perfect!
  2. Go with the flow! If every child came with a manual we would all have a pretty perfect life! But they don’t, and every child is different just like you’re different to your partner. Whatever way the wind blows you, just tie up your hair and walk in that direction!
  3. Ignore all advice from people who have children aged 3 and up…They don’t even remember what they made for dinner the night before let alone what sleep routine they used after childbirth!
  4. If someone says the words “Do you need help?” You say “YES PLEASE!” Even if it’s people you can’t stand, grab the help with two hands, show them where the bottles are and hop back into bed! It’s the only time you can get away with it and anyway after month 3 people forget you have a child and go about their lives again. #truestory
  5. This brings me to an important Tip – SLEEP! Sleep whenever you can. If your child sleeps you don’t defrost the freezer (I remember a close friend of mine actually doing that!) You Sleep. Sleep sleep sleep. Otherwise, you’ll be a Moody B***H!
  6. You know the saying “wallet, phone, keys” that men use when they walk out of the door? Yours now needs to be “muslin, baby wipes, nappies, child!”
  7. Make time for a hot cup of tea. When you get your cuppa don’t take a picture and put it up on your Instagram captioned “mummy/daddy time!” By the time you’ve photographed it, put a filter on it, captioned it, hashtagged it, posted it and then liked other peoples pictures…your tea has gone cold and the baby is awake! Do you get my drift? Just drink it.
  8. Eat.
  9. Remember you’re doing amazing and no one taught you how to be a parent.
  10. Every parent wings it…You’re not alone!



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