
Remember, remember the 5th of November…

When we spent every year walking up the steep hill towards Alexander Palace’s fireworks. Come rain or freezing cold (let’s face it, it never shines!) I would drag my poor family up that hill once more to gaze at the night air and watch it light up in pretty sparkles.
Over the years many would join us and add to the excitement that was Bonfire night. Memories that I will cherish forever.
Since having the twins I haven’t managed to get to an event and every year that passes I become moody that I’m not standing on a wet patch of grass somewhere hurting my neck for 15 minutes. I’m desperate to watch their faces light up just like mine does every year, I don’t know why it makes me so emotional, possibly because the evening holds so many beautiful memories of my family coming together.
My Dad looking scruffy as ever in his work gear and pouring a handful of change into the charity bucket, Mum buying us every neon necklace so we can just be quiet and not moan the whole night, my sister’s little face when dad would lift her on his shoulders to get a better view and me snuggled between all of them loving life.
We were invited to Walker Cricket Ground to share the night’s festivities and I was adamant we were going to all make it! I doubled up in socks, jumpers and gloves for the twinkies, my thick parka came out of the closet, and all the family decided to match with bobble hats! Packing the kids into the buggy and linking arms with the other half just sent a rush of emotions through my body, the emotions were heightened when we walked towards my little family who was patiently waiting for us (freezing) on the corner of the road.

Now, we were the grown-ups buying the neon crap for our kiddies just to keep them happy, we were the shoulders that they were sitting on to get a better view. We were the ones watching their faces light up when the night was dusted in beautiful colours. There may have been one absent but there were two extra little ones present. Carrying his name, carrying his sparkle and lightening up our lives just like the fireworks did for all those thousands of people


People moan at me…”Sev, why do you put yourself through these extra activities! You should be at home relaxing!”
My reply is simple…”It’s tradition.”

Happy Guy Fawkes Night.

*Thank you Walker Cricket Ground for the invite and hospitality – We had the best evening!

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